Monday, January 11, 2010

The College Admissions Scam

NOW IS the winter of high school seniors’ discontent. But then every winter is one of discontent as seniors file their college applications with a mix of dread and hope - mainly dread. Those applying to the most selective schools have the odds stacked against them no matter how sterling their high school records, though college admissions officers typically offer the cold comfort that rejection is not equivalent to failure and that, as one Yale admissions officer put it, “It matters far less which strong college admits you than it matters what you do with your opportunities once you are there.’’ To which most high school seniors would say, “Hogwash.’’

I dont actually agree with this article, but it's interesting. Correlation does not imply causation. Maybe there is a higher proportion of rich and influential people attending these schools, but it may be due to other lurking factors (e.g. better education from young?) rather than the social class directly influencing admissions. Nonetheless, form your own opinions about it and be thankful that Singapore employs a meritocratic system instead of anything else. :)

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