The Korean Government would like to invite qualified applicants from Singapore who have completed their pre-university education at the various JCs, CI, polytechnics to apply for the Korean Government Scholarship (Undergraduate). The info and application form are attached. We would appreciate your assistance to forward the information to interested parties please. Please note that the deadline for submission is 22/1/2010 (Fri).Just wanted to encourage interested Year7s and lower-years to consider this scholarship. The Korea government sponsors a year of Korean language study followed by university education in a Korea university. After the first year of language study, students are eligible to apply to all Korean universities. This scholarship provides for airfare, school fees, and living allowance.
Eugenia, NUSHS '08, is currently finishing up her first year of language study at a university near Seoul. Once I learn more from her, I'll update more.
yes i was just wondering if it was the one that gnia is taking. haha yes go fish more info out of her