For those who are interested in gaining admission to NUS High School.
Firstly, of course the school looks for those with interest in Math and Science. This is the basic criteria you must have. By ‘interest’, I mean that you like the subject, and by ‘passion’, I mean that you can’t live without the subject. If you are applying to NUS High, you are most likely in Primary Six or Secondary two, so no one should expect you to know what you want to do for the rest of your life just yet. But interest in the relevant subjects is definitely critical. The school of course does not want a misfit; it will be bad for both parties.
I am from the class of 2009, which means I applied for admission in mid-2005. Things have probably changed greatly since then, but some basic admissions guidelines should more or less be the same.
For me, I applied in Secondary Two. I was originally from Nanyang Girls’ High School before I transferred over, so I already had some results from Nanyang. The online portal wanted applicants to submit what results I had from Nanyang, and also my PSLE score. They also wanted applicants to do a write up on – something along the lines of “Why do you want to join NUS High?”, and “Why are you interested in Math and Science?” I think I still have some of my essays in my computer; if I can find them I’ll post them up. And they asked applicants to list down any competitions/ events they had which could demonstrate their aptitude, particularly in the areas of Mathematics and Science. And you also had to ask two of your teachers, one who had to be a science/ math teacher, to write a recommendation letter to support your application.
After a few weeks, I was shortlisted for the test, held at some hall in NUS (the University). This was a test set by the school, which had applicants answer some questions in Math and Science. If I’m not wrong, there were separate sections for Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Integrated Science. I didn’t have many problems with the science portions; I remember just working my way through methodically. For Math, it required a bit more creativity since the questions tested weren’t in the ‘normal’ school syllabus. So unless they have changed the system, as long as you know the syllabus for your age group well, you shouldn’t have too many problems with the test. Of course, extra knowledge beyond your school curriculum will be an added advantage as I believe there will likely be questions like that to distinguish between the candidates.
After some more waiting, I was called for a two day Math and Science camp at the Science Centre Singapore. This camp was held only during the daytime; participants were allowed to return home at night. This camp aims to sieve out students who could work well in a Math and Science school, and showed enthusiasm for the subject, and were proactive. There were eight people in each group, lead by a team leader who was an NUS Student Volunteer. The NUS Volunteer took notes about the behavior of the participants and wrote down what he thought of the participant’s capabilities and suitability for the school. One piece of advice: Don’t be overly enthusiastic about grabbing the limelight though; they look for team players also.
During the camp in 2005, participants were lead around various stations in the Science Centre to observe various scientific demonstrations. We were given slips of paper with questions about the scientific phenomena and asked to respond about what we thought caused them. I remember one of them was about what causes a vortex. Another stations involved Newton’s three laws of motion and constructing a water rocket. There were several stations for separate science subjects.
At the end of the first day, participants were given a Teflon frying pan and asked to find the coefficient of friction of it. We had the night to do it, and had to submit the answers the next day. See picture above for what I did back then.
The next day, we gave our answers to the team leaders to look through, and those who had good responses were invited to present their solution before their groups. Then there were more stations, and at the conclusion of the camp, and a handful were asked to present their solutions in front of all the participants in an auditorium.
After another round of waiting, I got an email saying that I had been offered a place in NUS High School, and that they would follow up with a hard copy letter of offer, along with withdrawal forms from my current school.
Successful applicants were also invited to a talk at NUS High School with their parents so that they could post any more queries to the staff at NUS High.
This is what happened for those who applied for NUS High in the regular round. For those who somehow missed the deadline, they had the interview instead of the camp. At the interview, I heard that besides the “normal” questions such as why you like math and science, they also ask academic questions, for example what is 1+1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+… ?
That was the selection process back in 2005 for the Year 3 intake.
Last year, I volunteered at the biology station for the 2010 Year 1 intake. Applicants were places into little groups in the NUS High School Biology labs and asked to observe [insert biology experiment or demonstration] and respond to a series of questions about them. There was one teacher at each table in the lab and at least one student volunteer to help observe their behavior as well. Students were accessed on their responses to the academic questions and also their behavior – which goes without saying that disruptive behavior/ asking impertinent questions – should not be done. Surprising as this may seem, there were actually a minority behaving like that.
hi n thnx for posting this. i'm a student in brunei and i am a candidate to join NUS high. i was *cough* pestered *cough* to check things about NUS so i landed on your blog. i have to say, this is harder than i thought. btw can you tell me more about about the procedures to enter NUS? thank you
ReplyDeleteHi..i'm also a student from Brunei *cough* same class as Sylvia *cough*. I have been chosen to join this school...? But how many questions are there in the test and are the subjects seperated? And I want to know how many years I need to study there? is there any 'O' level exam? and after the diploma wat then..? just wanna ask thank you..
ReplyDeleteikrami: 13 yrs old (coming 14~but very short XD)...What are the requirements for the diploma?
ReplyDeletesylvia: 12 yrs old~ btw which one is harder? ICAS or the NUS application test? and yes, students in our school have been shortlisted to 10 XD
Okay so you would both probably be entering in Year 1. Year 2 if you are a special case.
ReplyDeleteDiploma: Mathematics, and 2 science majors in Years 5-6, plus completion of an Advanced Research Project. This is the bare minimum required to graduate. Most people choose to do honours... but you'll only decide these when you are 16 so don't worry about it too early! When you come in you will be studying English, math, physics, chemistry, biology, and integrated humanities.
Go read the syllabus stuff at the sch website: www.highsch.nus.edu.sg you'll get a clearer picture than I can explain here.
No idea what the ICAS is so I can't advise. Heh.
ICAS: australian Educational assessment that we've taken is pretty *medium-hard* and *medium* for science and math. Last year I got distinction for both and I hope I get High Dis for this year.Probably, we'll entering year 2 as what our teacher said..btw, thnk you for the info..I was just very curious :)
ReplyDeletePlease tell me your email@hotmail or anything..just in case I wanna ask something,,,
ReplyDeleteJust curious to know how would you compare NYGH and NUSH ?
Hi .May i know the student leaders name for the NUSH DSA Seletion Test 2010 on 3 July , group W & V ? i only want the student leader names for group W & V . please help . this means ALOT to me :)
ReplyDeleteHi Vanessa,
ReplyDeleteI have been selected on 31 July 2010 to attend English test (30 minutes) and selection Interview for sec 3. May I know what is a subject in english test and interview from the past year ?
Thnk you.
ReplyDeletehi! i know it has been very long since you had taken the test, but id really like to know what kind of questions to look out for. thank you!! :))
ReplyDeleteI just want to say that your passion for science surprises me. Normally girls aren't that good at Math and Science, so yeah.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who had got admitted to nus high in recent years and is willing to share info? Im doing the sec 3 admission soon, and im so nervous now bc not sure what will be tested