Wednesday, September 1, 2010

About this blog

I haven’t been blogging here these days because I have been very busy with multiple things: a month or so ago I was busy with my school exams, and now that I am back in Singapore I have been busy meeting my friends and enjoying life. :)

I am not sure what to write about, really. I am far too detached from the school to write anything about it, and I am not sure what you all want to know about university life that hasn’t already been written about or isn’t available via googling. Also, given the lack of writers (we don’t have many juniors who are continuing on) it seems like this blog may be forced to shut down after all of us go to college, cos no one has time to write articles anymore I think. It’s sad, because this blog is almost 2 years old now, but I suppose everyone is rather busy with their college life (myself included).

I like how the tagboard is progressing as a good avenue for people to ask questions and discuss ideas though. Should we move this to a forum-based site instead of a blog? What does everyone think?

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