Friday, September 24, 2010

Applying to Oxford

Note: This post was not written by me. This post has been contributed by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous. I am merely copying and pasting what someone else wrote here for you all to see.

Applying to Oxford, should/shouldn’t I?

You should, because:

1. The university is older, yet the place is more industrialized and dynamics. So if you think of having an internship during your study, Oxford is generally more preferred.
2. In Oxford, you can start specializing in Maths/Physics/Chem/Bio in the first year. In Cambridge, the Natural Science curriculum is somewhat less focused.
3. Oxford’s PPE is more famous than its counterpart in Cambridge. (If you are inclined to Econs/Politics).
4. Oxford’s international interview application form (IIAF) is much simpler than that of Cambridge. Take a look at the application form last year. For this year, you don’t even need to fill up any form beside the UCAS. Applicants from Singapore will be interviewed through Skype.
5. School year starts as late as end of September, and lasts only for 24 weeks of solid, intensive, hardcore, nerve-racking, hectic, hellish mugging. The remaining 30 weeks of the year are up to you to enjoy.
6. Because there is no NUSH student has ever studied in Oxford before.

You shouldn’t, if:

1. You think it’s easier to get into Oxford than Cambridge. It’s true “that school in Bishan” got 24 offers from Oxford last year, but for our school, only one person managed to get an offer for the past two years.
2. You abhor Oxbridge interview and walk out the interview room thinking that “OMG, it’s finally over. I can now focus on my other uni apps”. It’s possible for the selection committee to interview you several times before giving you their final decision. Plus, there might be a few tests to take, depending on the course that you apply.
3. You don’t enjoy the entire admission process or don’t really know what “tutorial system” really means. The entire admission process gives you a glimpse into what’s going to happen everyday at Oxford.
4. Your senior told you that Oxford is stronger in Humanities/Social Sciences and you faithfully believed it.
5. You want to study Architecture. Simply because Oxford doesn’t offer this course.

Click here for the Oxford International Interview Application form.

Compare the Oxford International Interview Application form to the Cambridge Overseas Application Form.

This here is a link to essays on Oxford's tutorial system. Please read it - its good food for thought.

[Vio - Note that for Oxford admissions for 2011/deferred to 2012, there is no other form besides the UCAS form and your interview will be done over Skype. Similarly, the deadline for Oxford application does not differ from that of UCAS, which is 15 October 2010. :)

Also, Cambridge applicants have to pay an additional 100 pounds for the Cambridge interview which will take place in Singapore and 25 more pounds for the COAF in addition to your UCAS fees.]

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