Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Medicine tests (UK and Australia)

I am going to cover four of the medical tests: the UKCAT, BMAT , ISAT and PQA, which I took. The first two are fo applications to the UK, the last two are for applications to Australia. I will focus will be on what you cannot find on the websites e.g. my thoughts and feelings, my recommendations and test-taking strategies for juniors.

1. UKCAT (UK Clinical Admissions Test)

This test is for a loooong list of UK universities. Some of the universities require you to take the UKCAT for dentistry too.

How to prepare for it?

You need to get used to two things: the UKCAT test structure and computer testing. I did all the practices tests available on the UKCAT website. The practice tests are a computer programme, so it is good in the sense that it will give you a fantastic idea of computer testing. I did the first practice test twice through because I freaked out the first time I did it and read less than half of the questions.

I freaked out so much after my first practice test that I went to the British Council to practice on this book called Passing the UKCAT and BMAT (2007) by Taylor, Hutton and Hutton. The book really works through all the questions with me, which I don't get on the official practice tests except for the Abstract Reasoning section. The book will also give tips on the abstract reasoning section. The extra practice really boosted my confidence, esp for the verbal section. (Read more about the different sections below.)

Another friend says that you can actually find helpful extra practice on the abstract reasoning section online but I didn't get to try these on time.

Where to take it?

All UKCAT exams in Singapore are held at the Pearson Vue testing centre in Tanjong Pagar. The whole office is filled with computers where people do all sorts of tests. When you enter, they will check your passport (for Singapore testing, Pearson requires that you bring your passport as your identification), get you to sign and even check that your signature matches that on your passport. You then put your stuff into a locker. You can bring ABSOLUTELY NOTHING into the testing room except the stuff they give you, that is, a stone-age calculator, a laminated piece of paper (for your scribblings) and a whiteboard marker. They will check your pockets.

There will be other people testing in the room too, which means that you'll have typing/clicking sounds. So Pearson provides you with this super cool headphones that block out the sound. Use it! If you need more paper, just raise your hand and the eagle-eyes examiner will get it to you.

What is in the test?

From the website: The test assesses a wide range of mental abilities and behavioural attributes identified by university Medical and Dental Schools as important.

Now it comprises of five sections. You are STRICTLY TIMED for each section.

First, the verbal reasoning section. You're given a passage to read, then you read statements and figure out whether the statements are true or false, or that you "can't tell" if the statement is true or false. This section was very difficult for me because I read slowly (I like to thoroughly understand every sentence) and it wasn't easy to decide whether the statements were true or false. After some practice, I gather that "true" means that the passage EXPLICITLY STATES or IMPLIES that it is true, "false" means that the passage EXPLICITLY STATES or IMPLIES that it is false, and "can't tell" means that the passage doesn't explicitly state or imply the statement. Remember, the minute you can, using your pre-trained academic capabilities

SIGNPOSTS for the "Can't tell" option: unclear definition of words and phrases, lack of credibility of a particular quote in the passage (i.e. the statement is found in the passage but appears to be from a doubtful source), unlinked ideas (e.g. the cause-effect relationship is confounded).

Second, the quantitative reasoning section. As mentioned, you'll get a calculator. If you can immediately process the question and punch in the numbers, good for you! People like me who need to write out the information on paper are disadvantaged because time is tight, though not as tight as the verbal section. NUSH students should not find this section a big problem.

Third, the abstract reasoning section. From my practice book, this section tests your ability to "understand the underlying logic" and your "innate capacity to reason".

The UKCAT website explains this best: "In this subtest, you will be presented with two sets of shapes labelled 'Set A' and 'Set B'. All the shapes in Set A are similar in some way, as are the shapes in Set B. Set A and Set B are not related to each other. For each pair of Set A and Set B, you will be presented with five 'Test Shapes'. Your task is to decide whether each test shape belongs to Set A, Set B, or neither. You will be presented with a total of thirteen pairs of Set A and Set B. For each pair, you will be presented with five items."

This is the second killer section. You just don't know what to look out for in each set! For this section, KEEP PRACTISING; sorry.

Fourth, the decision analysis section. You are given a whole new coding system. Your tasks are to figure out what coded statements mean in plain english, to figure out how to say certain english sentences in code language, and to decide what new codes should be added to the system so that you can better express certain english sentences. This is my strongest section. I personally quite like it because this section tests your sense of logic.

Last section is a personality test. The questions that came out were exactly the same as that for the PQA (more later). No sweat for this. Just relax and be truthful.


The minute I stepped out of the testing hall, my score sheet was tossed into my hand. This is the ONLY EVIDENCE that YOU have of your score. If you lose it and need a reprint, you need to pay Pearson. After you register on UCAS, Pearson will miraculously coordinate with the universities and send over the scores. So this is NOT like the SATs, where you have to send to individual schools.

Each section is scored between 300 and 900. The executive summary in the UKCAT website will tell you more details on the mean score of all the sections, which ranges from 582 to 677. I did a rough calculation of my percentile using 68-95-99.7 rule and can tell you that if I took the UKCAT in 2009 and got the same overall score, I will be approximately in the top 2.5% of UKCAT examinees.


(Congrats if you are still reading! You really want to do Medicine ;))

ISAT is for application to a couple of Australian universities: Monash, Western Australia, Tasmania and Queensland.

I agree with May Fong on this: "Try to take it so that your results are available when you are doing your applications, and that would require you to plan ahead." For example, if you are planning to complete your applications at the March IDP Medical and Health Sciences Fair, you must have taken your ISAT the year before. If you haven't, you must rush to take it before June because some universities have a June deadline. Plus it takes some time for your results to be processed. They say 3 weeks but mine took 1 month to be processed because I tested early in the testing season.

Testing this year takes place 1 April to 29 Oct 2010.


I will quote Acer on this because I agree with them:

"The purpose of ISAT is to assess your abilities in a range of cross-curricular skills. ISAT measures skills acquired over a period of time, including the ability to reason, make logical deductions and form judgements. The test does not draw on any particular subject knowledge. There would therefore be little benefit to be gained by ‘cramming’ or coaching. Your best preparation may be to read widely and to think critically about what you read. However, some familiarity with the question types typically presented in ISAT is an advantage. For this reason, some sample questions are provided on this site."


You get to choose from a couple of testing sites in Singapore. I chose Central Plaza (Tiong Bahru). I recall that it was a sort of computer-skills training centre. They had this small testing room. Again, nothing is allowed in except for what they give you--a whiteboard, a whiteboard marker and a duster--but your stuff is just outside in a locker so I ran out to drink some water midway through. I certainly cannot remain seated for a whole 3 hrs.


I quote May Fong from her earlier post: It’s pretty much like a logic test.. with those puzzle-like things.

I didn't think of it as a logic test. It comprised of ALL SORTS of questions! 3 hours of a whole variety of questions. Acer says that the questions fall into two categories: critical reasoning and quantitative reasoning ( Perhaps the closest analogy to this is a mash-up of the critical reading and mathematics section of the SAT Reasoning. I found it tougher than the SAT though.

I had multiple-choice comprehensions and calculation questions. No calculator for this test so calculations are simple. Rather, they like to know that you know HOW to manipulate quantitative information.


I quote the acer website: "The scoring process is complex and requires substantial development and analysis by ACER's psychometricians. Candidates cannot calculate their own scores... ISAT scores for Critical Reasoning (CR), Quantitative Reasoning (QR) and Overall Reasoning (OR) are on scales with ranges of 100-200."

The raw scores did not make a lot of sense to me. So I was just concerned with the percentile, which tells me my standing relative to the rest of the test-takers (AP Statistics anybody?). Like May Fong said, we have no idea what percentile is required in order to secure an interview but we are guessing it is a minimum of 90%. Both of us got above 90%, as did another friend who took the ISAT.

3. Personal Qualities Assessment (PQA)

The University of Adelaide does not use the ISAT. Instead, it developed its own test with the University of Newcastle--the PQA. Now, you need to pay AUD300 to take this test ON TOP of your Adelaide application fees. As a result, some people may be discouraged from applying to Adelaide. Read May Fong's post on Adelaide and decide whether you really want to go to Adelaide. Then discuss with your parents on whether they are willing to pay.


No way to prepare. Shorter version of ISAT i.e. still testing your verbal reasoning and quantitative reasoning, with two more sections assessing "how honest you are about yourself" and your personality.


Everybody who chooses to take the PQA will be gathered together on one day at a hotel. This year, it's Carlton Hotel; it's probably going to be the same again next year. There are about 50 people in this large conference hall setting. Bring a jacket!


Four sections.

1. Mental Agility Test: IQ test. Testing your verbal and quantitative skills. I did not have enough time and hence left many questions blank (about 3-5 questions) for this but still passed it.

2. and 3. MOJAC and NACE: From the website, this test "reflects their value system and what they believe is appropriate in each situation.

4. Personal qualities inventory: A zillion questions to assess whether you are honest about yourself.

MAT is timed separately from the other three sections. The other three sections contain questions and statements that are identical to the last section of the UKCAT. In mathematical terms, the UKCAT questions are a subset (though not a perfect subset) of the PQA Personal Qualities Inventory questions.

I recommend that you work quickly through the first timed section and do the rest slow but steadily. I rushed through sections 2-4 and was quite bored by the time the exam ended.


You will never know your PQA score. Adelaide will just tell you whether you have "passed the PQA testing round". I think there is a way of requesting for your score but I cannot remember the conditions under which they will release the score, if they will even release the score at all.

4. BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT)

This is a test for admission into certain courses (most notably Medicine) at five of the most competitive UK universities, namely University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, Univeristy of Oxford, Royal Veterinary College and University College London. Everybody in the world takes this test at 0900 (GMT+8hrs). We in Singapore get to take it around 3-4 p.m..


The BMAT is most DIFFERENT from the rest of the tests because it tests you on science and math knowledge i.e. something that you should revise for. YAY! Not. This section tests knowledge up until O Level knowledge. If you have O Level textbooks, go ahead and read them inside out. Our school library currently doesn't have any books that focus on O Level content only; we only have a practice book for O Level Chemistry and A level revision notes at best.

So... You can buy some books from Kinokunya. Currently, there are two books on stock:

1. How to Master the BMAT: Unbeatable Preparation for Success in the BioMedical Admissions Test -US-Tyreman, Chris / Publisher:Kogan Page Ltd Published 2009/10

2. BMAT and UKCAT Uncovered: A Guide to Medical School Entrance Exams (PAP) -US-Osinowo, T. O. / Weerakkody, R. A. / Woodward, H. W. / Allen, Chris / Publisher:B M J Books Published 2008/09

I did not really read the two of them in detail but I think the strength of these books is that they have really good reviews of the "scientific skills and applications" section. We are trying to get our college counsellors to put them in the school library for next year's batch of BMAT students =)

As for me, with only two weeks to prepare for the BMAT, I dilligently and very fearfully did all of the practice tests available online. I NEVER finished the tests on time so go figure how nervous I was when I sat for my BMAT. I also went down to the British Council to read up on two books:

1. Preparing for the BMAT: The official guide to the BMAT. Heinermann, Cambridge Assessment. This will be advertised on the BMAT sign up site. Personally don't find this book particularly useful except for giving extra practices.

2. Passing the UKCAT and BMAT (Same book I used for UKCAT). This book is a little outdated, but otherwise inspires confidence in the reader, especially when talking about the writing section

My recommendation: get your hands on those kinokunya books, go down to the British Council only if 1) you have read the kino books cover to cover and still have 2 weeks to go before your BMAT 2) cannot afford the books (it is truly expensive, I understand). Buy them from seniors (I am 100% sure all of them will want to sell), borrow them from the school library (hope and pray that we can get these on the shelf asap), buy them yourself.

Do NOT be lazy when practising for the essay section. When you practice, write at least 3 essays in full within the 30 min time limit. The reason for this is that you need to get used to fitting your whole argument into the box that they give you (like the SAT). You also need to get used to planning your time properly so that you can answer all of the questions (see What? section) in time. You can just draw brainstorming diagrams for as many other essay topics as you can lay your hands on. Practise thinking about both sides of the argument.


Three of us (including myself) were privileged to be able to take the BMAT at our school. I do not know of any other schools in Singapore that is registered as a test centre. Everybody else took the BMAT with the British Council, which will hold the test at various examination rooms across Singapore-- for example, my friend had her test at Republic Poly.

Personally prefer our school because:

i) We're comfortable in the familiar school environment

ii) It costs about SGD300 less than a test with the British Council. Compare this and this This is because British Council needs to pay its proctors, pay for the rooms and pay for the shipping of the test papers back to Cambridge. Those who test at NUS High also need to cover the shipping fee but we get to choose our carrier. We naturally chose the cheapest yet reliable one--DHL.

Then again, you may like the British Council because they are an experienced test centre.


Three sections.

1) Verbal and quantitative reasoning (this is the name I have given this section).

35 questions in 1 hr.

Comprises mostly of multiple-choice questions but also comprises some questions where you have to fill in a number, or write true or false. The MCQs come from one of three kinds: i) You are given a passage and have to pick out the strength, weakness, flaw, assumption, implication or conclusion. Sometimes you are given three statements and are asked to pick out which will strengthen the argument. Usually, every paper will have only one long passage (~8 paragraphs) while the rest are one-paragraph passages. ii) You are given a word problem (think primary school word problems with more complex calculations) to solve. You need to be able to pick out the relevant numbers from the irrelevant. iii) You are given a complex series of graphs, data and paragraphs. You will have to combine the information correctly. Questions may require calculation.

It is likely that after this whole paragraph, you still won't understand what this section is about. So go do the practices =)

By the time you have done the UKCAT and ISAT, you would be pretty experienced with the thinking skills required on this section. I read this advice that I personally go by: read the questions carefully, EVEN if you are running short of time. Carelessness can cause you to lose marks even though your calculations were perfectly alright.

2) Scientific skills and application.

This is my worst section. I left about 5 questions unread (though not unanswered) and guessed about 3 others. No negative marking on the BMAT so I guessed.

This section tests on O Level Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The Science curriculum is at the Double Award standard so the knowledge required is NOT immense. The tricky part is that the questions might present the information in novel ways and for slow readers like me, it is difficult to the digest the question and link it to the relevant knowledge quickly.

I cannot remember why I couldn't immediately know the answer to some of the questions. Any BMAT-testers out there who know what are the difficulties of the BMAT questions?

The A level students would be mugging before and after the BMAT, so the knowledge is probably fresher in their minds. But NUS High Students who did their APs in June need not fret! We all have the knowledge; we just need to revise it (see Prep section).

3) Writing task
You are given a statement related to science or medicine. There will be three questions asked with regards to this statement. You must answer all three of the questions in your essay. Usually, the questions require you to i) Explain what is meant by the statement. ii) Discuss how you would support the statement and how you would oppose the statement. iii) Resolve the two viewpoints. Sometimes the question will tell you what conclusion you must reach. For example, the last question specifically asks you to give an example in favour of one side of the argument.

From 2010 onwards, four statements will be printed with their respective questions (previously, only three choices were given). You must choose one of these four statements.

This is not an essay. So you can write your arguments in outline style. But it still must be in full sentences. You can even draw diagrams, so some of the books I read say, though I have yet to see any essays with drawings.

I strongly recommend that you put in good arguments and tone down on the examples unless the questions specifically ask you to give exampleS. If not, one example for each side of the argument, and perhaps one more for your resolution, will do.


The first two sections are scored on a scale of 1.0 to 9.0. Apparently, according to the book by Cambridge Assessment, 5.0 is the average score, 6.0 is relatively high and 7.0 is exceptional. The scores of all the students is approximately a bell-shape centred at 5.0.

Two markers will read your response to the last section. The last section is scored, from this year onwards, with two criteria. First, quality of content: scores are awards on a scale from 1 to 5. Second, quality of English: each marker gives you either A, C or E. If both give you an A, you get an A. If one gives you A and the other, C, you get a B.


Congratulations on reading to the end! ;) Don't let the tests scare you; they are the FIRST in a series of many many (~hundred?) tests you'll take in the medical profession.

I'd like to end with a food for thought: Orphan interns and blundering bureaucrats, Editor, Medical Journal of Australia.

1 comment:

  1. This is super nice share. For LSAT I also have to find the preparation course that has reduced costs. I won’t mind joining any online course too as have failed the exam earlier. Would like to start study from scratch and at last will be solving the LSAT Sample Questions as well. If you have suggestions for any course please let me know.
